Tuesday, July 24, 2007

lazier than it looks...or not

This dinner literally took about 10 minutes from start to finish, if you don't count the amount of time it takes for the rice to cook or the water to boil. I don't count that time because I don't have to be anywhere near the kitchen for it. The berkshire pork medallions took 4 minutes to coat with spices, and less than 6 to panfry. The green beans blanched for less than 5 minutes in the same pot of water that the corn did. It only took 60 seconds to toss the beans with some lemon juice, olive oil, salt and pepper. It was a no recipe, no effort dinner. I feel like I've reached new levels of laziness.

This is further evidenced by my new lazypants. These are Thai fishermen pants:

It does not get any more comfortable than this, but when I wear them I feel like I have reached new levels of slacker. They are so loose that you can barely call them pants. The superlow crotch borders dangerously on MC Hammer territory. I feel like I'm only inches away from a muumuu. Alright, I admit it, I often wear a little babydoll dress around the house that's pretty much a short muumuu. I don't know if there's any going back...

1 comment:

Leah said...

Your discussion of fisherman pants and muumuus had me l-ing ol. Dinner looks fab. When I'm lazy, I just scramble some eggs, so your laziness looks to me like actual effort! and, while we're confessing, I sometimes cook in my Edna Turnblad housecoat, which Alex has begged me many times to throw on a funeral pyre...